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Showing posts with the label Sacvenging Efficiency

What are Scavenging Parameters?

Delivery Ratio:   Ratio of volume of air delivered by scavenging to displacement volume. It is denoted by L. It can be mathematically expressed as- L = V del/ V displacement Sacvenging Efficiency: Measure of the success is during the cycle of residual gases from the procedding cycle. It is denoted by n s and mathematically expressed as a n s= V rea / V ch     = V rea / ( V rea+ V rea) Trapping Efficiency: n s= V rea / V du Relative cylinder Charge: Ratio of (air retained +residual gas) to displacement volume. It is mathematically expressed as   a C rcl = ( V ret+ V res) / V displacement          = V charge /V displacement Excess air factor:  Excess air factro=( C rcl   - 1 ) Charging efficiency: n cr= V rct / V displacement